Tuesday, February 19, 2008

What goes around..comes around!

I've adopted my fathers philosophy in thinking that there are more good & decent people in the world than the reverse. Naive attitude some may say but atleast its a positive one! Contrary to popular belief, I shy from the opinion that most people who have done reasonably well for themselves are all out to get what they can & have no time to help anyone else achieve similar stature. Consider this: if you were successful and some struggling entrepreneur called to ask your advice wouldn't you spare a few moments to impart some of the knowledge gained along the way?
I have no qualms about calling people (unknown to myself ie never previously spoken to or met) in my industry for advice or suggestions and guess what nine times out of ten (if I've been lucky enough to get through to the person), a very affable individual at the other end has taken time out to assist (out of common courtesy, have a list of questions at hand so as to not waste their precious time or yours). Its wrong to assume that just because your present turnover for instance is 10,000 & the potential advice giver is turning over 20,000,000 automatically makes him/her out of your reach or league. Remember we're dealing with human beings here not divinities! I'm sure protocol varies from country to country but luckily in Ireland I've found this course of action to be quite acceptable.
But I digress...going back to the title of today's blog 'what goes around..comes around' means (to me) if we wish others to give then perhaps we should give in return. I don't mean monetarily but more with our time & knowledge. Every time I'm too tired to answer a query from a fellow entrepreneur on distribution or about sourcing organic food ingredients, I think about the kindness shown to me and I am motivated to move my fingers across that key board.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Keyword of the day: Listen

I bet many a struggling entreprenuer out there can relate to this - advice & suggestions on how you should run your business from people who don't have a clue!!
I could write a book on the rubbish advice I have been given over the years from various sources who silently believe they can do the job better....but off course, have not the slightest intention of putting their money where their mouth is. Its one thing taking it from family and friends who genuinelly have your interests at heart but its very trying when individuals you hardly know volunteer their two cents worth...right? WRONG!


I admit, it can be offending & aggrevating to sit there & take it but you never know when you might stumble upon that one bit of sound communiqué that instantly illuminates the old light bulb. Ironically it usually comes from the most unlikely of sources probably because the advice giver is not in the same line of work. They are thinking outside the box, looking at the picture from an entirely different angle, something we unteach ourselves how to do along the way!

Monday, February 4, 2008

A New Experience.

This weekend my husband & I were given the brass ring to experience something that most parents would gladly give their left limb & right eye for ;) - ie a weekend withouth the kids! I have to admit that when my good friend, Mojca, suggested taking my three children for a sleep over Saturday nite and returning them Sunday evening, I reacted with ungrateful trepidation coming up with the most ridiculous reasons to snuff her enthusiastic plans! 'Would she feed them right?', 'Would she be as careful as I am with them when crossing the road?', 'Would she..would she...would she..!'
Fianlly, ashamed at my own cowardice I agreed half heartedly to let the children go. Driving them to Mojca's apartment drenched in the knowledge that over the next couple of days I would be powerless to look after the welfare of my babies, was a bitter pill to swallow. Anyway, the story ends well...they all had a rolicking good time, never missed me once and can't wait to do it again. Not to mention, the husband and I (after getting over the initial shock of not having them around surprisingly quickly) got to spend a lovely two days together.
I wanted to make a note of this new experience becuase it made me realise two things:
1. Trust in your children and in those who love them. We're so caught up in the routine of doing things for our children that we don't realise how capable they are of doing much of the same for themselves. Also, friends & family may not always do the job as well as you but they will do it to the best of their abilities becasue they care.
2. This weekend I was reminded once again of all the things that really matter in my life. Yes making a success of Orgapod matters immensely - I'd be lying if I made light of this - but nothing matters or should matter I believe more than making a success of raising good, kind, self-reliant future adults.